• Fashion

    I Have Nothing To Wear

    This past month I was able to try Rent The Runway’s Unlimited package! Let me tell you, it was amazing! If you are wondering how I was able to wear a new jacket almost everyday, here is how! I am lucky to live by an actual Rent The Runway store in D.C., but if you don’t, don’t fret! It works the exact same online! Basically how it works is, you pay for a monthly subscription and you are allowed to have 4 items at all times. The number of times you switch your pieces out is unlimited! For example, I went into the store on a Friday… I found a…

  • Fashion

    Learning To Alter Your Thrift Finds

    I loveeeee clothes so much but can’t always afford to go shopping EVERYTIME I need a new outfit… SO instead I DIY my thrift finds to alter them to the style I want! Let me explain! I find my style inspiration through current trends but I always gravitate toward the vintage look that never seems to go out of style! When I see old photos of my mom in the 90’s I ask if for some reason she still has that shirt laying around the house (and surprisingly sometimes she does). Rachel Green’s style will always be goals, can I get an amen! Most of the time when I am…